61 lat temu, 22 listopada 1963 roku, doszło do zamachu na 35. prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych - Johna Fitzgeralda Kennedy'ego. Prezydent został zastrzelony podczas wizyty w Dallas w Teksasie.
In loving memory of President John F Kennedy murdered this day in Dallas Texas by the American deep state. Murder most foul not just of the President but the United States itself. Never glad confident morning again... #JFK pic.twitter.com/AhhEmEapDn
— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) November 22, 2024
#OTD 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office aboard Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas.
— LBJ Library (@LBJLibrary) November 22, 2019
Upon arrival at Andrews AFB, LBJ addressed the nation. "I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help—and God's." pic.twitter.com/BvgwO7Bgbc